
This module provides tools for converting and visualizing data. It includes functions for mapping data to RGB and hexadecimal color values, performing color normalization, and rendering 3D surface visualizations using K3D. Additional utilities are included for plotting Current Source Density (CSD) data and handling color transformations.


  • data_to_rgb: Converts numerical data into RGB or RGBA color arrays based on a specified colormap and normalization.

  • rgbtoint: Converts RGB color lists to a single 32-bit integer color representation.

  • color_map: Maps numerical data to hexadecimal color values suitable for use in visualizations.

  • show_surface: Renders 3D surfaces with optional vertex coloring and interactive features using K3D.

  • plot_csd: Plots Current Source Density (CSD) data as a 2D image over a specified time range.


  • The module supports various color normalizations including linear, logarithmic, and diverging scales.

  • Includes handling of edge cases and data-specific adjustments to enhance the quality of visual outputs.


color_map(data, cmap, vmin, vmax[, n_bins, ...])

Return data mapped to the colormap in hexadecimal format, and a colormap for use, e.g., with a colorbar.

data_to_rgb(data, n_bins, cmap, vmin, vmax)

Return RGB values of data mapped to the normalized matplotlib colormap.

plot_csd(csd, times, axis[, colorbar, cmap, ...])

Plot the computed Current Source Density (CSD) data.


Return a 32-bit representation of the color as an integer.

show_surface(surface[, color, grid, menu, ...])

Render a 3D surface with optional data overlay.

lameg.viz.color_map(data, cmap, vmin, vmax, n_bins=1000, vcenter=0, norm='TS')#

Return data mapped to the colormap in hexadecimal format, and a colormap for use, e.g., with a colorbar.

  • data (iterable) – 1D numerical data.

  • n_bins (int) – Number of bins in the histogram.

  • vmin (float) – Lowest value on the histogram range.

  • vmax (float) – Highest value on the histogram range.

  • vcenter (float, optional) – Center of the histogram range (default is 0 for zero-centered color mapping).

  • norm (str) – Type of normalization (“TS”, “N”, “LOG”).


  • map_colors (array-like) – Data mapped to the colormap in hexadecimal format.

  • cmap (matplotlib.colors.Colormap) – The colormap object for use with visualizations like colorbars.


  • The function creates normalization based on the “norm” argument.

  • It generates a suitable colormap and maps data values based on histogram bins.

  • Returns RGB values for each data point, converts percent-based RGB to decimal, and then converts RGB to hexadecimal in a format appropriate for visualization functions.

lameg.viz.data_to_rgb(data, n_bins, cmap, vmin, vmax, vcenter=0.0, ret_map=False, norm='TS')#

Return RGB values of data mapped to the normalized matplotlib colormap. Optionally, return a colormap for use, e.g., with a colorbar.

  • data (iterable) – 1D numerical data.

  • n_bins (int) – Number of bins in the histogram.

  • vmin (float) – Lowest value on the histogram range.

  • vmax (float) – Highest value on the histogram range.

  • vcenter (float, optional) – Center of the histogram range (default is 0 for zero-centered color mapping).

  • ret_map (bool, optional) – Whether to return a colormap object.

  • norm (str) – Type of normalization (“TS”, “N”, “LOG”).


  • color_mapped (array-like) – RGB values mapped to the colormap for each data point.

  • scalar_map (matplotlib.colors.ScalarMappable, optional) – The colormap object if ret_map is True.


  • The function creates normalization based on the “norm” argument.

  • It generates a suitable colormap and maps data values based on histogram bins.

  • It returns RGB values for each data point.

lameg.viz.plot_csd(csd, times, axis, colorbar=True, cmap='RdBu_r', vmin_vmax=None, n_layers=11)#

Plot the computed Current Source Density (CSD) data.

This function takes a CSD matrix and plots it over a specified time range. It offers options for color normalization, colormap selection, and including a colorbar. Optionally, it can return plot details.

  • csd (numpy.ndarray) – The CSD matrix to be plotted, with dimensions corresponding to layers x time points.

  • times (numpy.ndarray) – A 1D array of time points corresponding to the columns of the CSD matrix.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – The matplotlib axes object where the CSD data will be plotted.

  • colorbar (bool, optional) – Flag to indicate whether a colorbar should be added to the plot. Default is True.

  • cmap (str, optional) – The colormap used for plotting the CSD data. Default is “RdBu_r”.

  • vmin_vmax (tuple or str, optional) – A tuple specifying the (vmin, vmax) range for color normalization. If “norm”, a standard normalization is used. If None, the range is set to the maximum absolute value in the CSD matrix. Default is None.

  • n_layers (int) – Number of layers in the CSD.


csd_imshow – The imshow object of the plot.

Return type:



  • This function requires the ‘numpy’, ‘matplotlib.colors’, and ‘matplotlib.pyplot’ libraries.

  • The ‘TwoSlopeNorm’ from ‘matplotlib.colors’ is used for diverging color normalization.

  • The aspect ratio of the plot is automatically set to ‘auto’ for appropriate time-layer representation.

  • Layer labels are set from 1 to n_layers


Return a 32-bit representation of the color as an integer.


rgb (array-like) – An integer array [R, G, B] representing the red, green, and blue color components.


color – The 32-bit integer representation of the color.

Return type:



  • The function requires integer RGB values (0-255).

lameg.viz.show_surface(surface, color=None, grid=False, menu=False, vertex_colors=None, info=False, camera_view=None, height=512, opacity=1.0, coords=None, coord_size=1, coord_color=None)#

Render a 3D surface with optional data overlay. The rendering is persistent and does not require an active kernel.

  • surface (nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage) – The Gifti surface mesh to be rendered.

  • color (array, optional) – Basic color of the surface in the absence of data, specified as a decimal RGB array. Default is [166, 166, 166].

  • grid (bool, optional) – Toggles the rendering of a grid. Default is False.

  • menu (bool, optional) – Toggles the display of a menu with options such as lighting adjustments. Default is False.

  • vertex_colors (array, optional) – An array of vertex colors specified as hexadecimal 32-bit color values. Each color corresponds to a vertex on the surface. Default is None.

  • info (bool, optional) – If True, prints information about the surface, such as the number of vertices. Default is False.

  • camera_view (array, optional) – Specifies a camera view for the rendering. If None, an automatic camera view is set. Default is None.

  • height (int, optional) – Height of the widget in pixels. Default is 512.

  • opacity (float, optional) – Sets the opacity of the surface, with 1.0 being fully opaque and 0.0 being fully transparent. Default is 1.0.


plot – A k3d plot object containing the rendered surface.

Return type:



This function utilizes the k3d library for rendering the surface. It supports customization of surface color, opacity, and additional features like grid and menu display. The vertex_colors parameter allows for vertex-level color customization.