
This module facilitates the simulation of MEG data using the Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) toolbox. It provides functionalities to simulate both current density and dipole-based MEG data under varying conditions and configurations.

Key Features:

  • Current Density Simulation: Allows for the simulation of current density data based on user-defined parameters such as vertices, signals, dipole moments, and patch sizes. Includes the ability to specify the signal-to-noise ratio and window of interest for the simulations.

  • Dipole Simulation: Facilitates the simulation of dipole-based data, providing options to configure dipole orientations, moments, and noise levels. It supports the simulation of unique signals per trial and can average data across trials if needed.

Examples of use:

  • Simulating data with specific noise levels and analyzing the impact of noise on signal processing algorithms.

  • Generating datasets with known properties to test the efficacy of dipole fitting routines or source localization methods.



Check if inversion data exists in the loaded HDF5 file.


Load vertices from the HDF5 file based on the file version.

run_current_density_simulation(data_file, ...)

Simulate current density data based on specified parameters.

run_dipole_simulation(data_file, prefix, ...)

Simulate dipole-based MEG data based on specified parameters.


Check if inversion data exists in the loaded HDF5 file.


file (h5py.File) – The loaded HDF5 file object. The expected structure is file[‘D’][‘other’][‘inv’].


Returns True if inversion data exists in the file.

Return type:


  • ValueError – If the inversion data is missing or not found in the expected structure.

  • KeyError – If the required keys are missing from the file structure.


Load vertices from the HDF5 file based on the file version.


file (h5py.File) – The loaded HDF5 file object. The function expects the structure file[‘D’][‘other’][‘inv’][0][0][‘mesh’][‘tess_mni’][‘vert’].


A NumPy array containing the vertices loaded from the file.

Return type:


  • TypeError – If the file is not saved in a format compatible with MATLAB v7.3 or later.

  • KeyError – If the required keys are missing from the file structure.

lameg.simulate.run_current_density_simulation(data_file, prefix, sim_vertices, sim_signals, dipole_moments, sim_patch_sizes, snr, sim_woi=None, spm_instance=None)#

Simulate current density data based on specified parameters.

This function generates simulated MEG data based on specified vertices, signals, dipole moments, and patch sizes, incorporating a defined signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). White noise is added at the sensor level to yield the given SNR.

  • data_file (str) – Filename or path of the MEG data file used as a template for simulation.

  • prefix (str) – Prefix for the output simulated data filename.

  • sim_vertices (list or int) – Indices of vertices where simulations are centered. Can be a single integer or a list.

  • sim_signals (ndarray) – Array of simulated signals.

  • dipole_moments (list or float) – Dipole moments for the simulation. Can be a single float or a list.

  • sim_patch_sizes (list or int) – Sizes of patches around each vertex for the simulation. Can be a single integer or a list.

  • snr (float) – Signal-to-noise ratio for the simulation.

  • sim_woi (list, optional) – Window of interest for the simulation as [start, end]. Default is [-np.inf, np.inf].

  • spm_instance (spm_standalone, optional) – Instance of standalone SPM. Default is None.


sim_fname – Filename of the generated simulated data.

Return type:



  • If spm_instance is not provided, the function will start a new standalone SPM instance.

  • The function will automatically close the standalone SPM instance if it was started within the function.

lameg.simulate.run_dipole_simulation(data_file, prefix, sim_vertices, sim_signals, dipole_orientations, dipole_moments, sim_patch_sizes, snr, sim_woi=None, average_trials=False, spm_instance=None)#

Simulate dipole-based MEG data based on specified parameters.

This function generates simulated MEG data with specific dipole configurations. It creates simulations based on specified vertices, signals, dipole orientations, moments, and patch sizes, incorporating a defined signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). White noise is added at the sensor level to yield the given SNR.

  • data_file (str) – Filename or path of the MEG data file used as a template for simulation.

  • prefix (str) – Prefix for the output simulated data filename.

  • sim_vertices (list or int) – Indices of vertices where simulations are centered. Can be a single integer or a list.

  • sim_signals (ndarray) – Array of simulated signals. Either dipoles x time (signal will be used for each trial), or dipoles x time x trials (unique signal for each trial).

  • dipole_orientations (ndarray) – Array of dipole orientations for the simulation.

  • dipole_moments (list or float) – Dipole moments for the simulation. Can be a single float or a list.

  • sim_patch_sizes (list or int) – Sizes of patches around each vertex for the simulation. Can be a single integer or a list.

  • snr (float) – Signal-to-noise ratio for the simulation.

  • sim_woi (list, optional) – Window of interest for the simulation as [start, end]. Default is [-np.inf, np.inf].

  • average_trials (bool, optional) – Whether to average the simulated data over trials. Default is False.

  • spm_instance (spm_standalone, optional) – Instance of standalone SPM. Default is None.


sim_fname – Filename of the generated simulated data.

Return type:



  • If spm_instance is not provided, the function will start a new standalone SPM instance.

  • The function will automatically close the standalone SPM instance if it was started within the function.