
This module provides tools for the coregistration, and source reconstruction of MEG data using SPM (Statistical Parametric Mapping). Key operations include:

  • Coregistration of MRI and surface meshes with MEG data.

  • Empirical Bayesian Beamformer (EBB) and Multiple Sparse Priors (MSP) source reconstruction algorithms.

  • Sliding time window source reconstruction using MSP

  • Utility function for loading source data after source reconstruction.


coregister(nas, lpa, rpa, mri_fname, ...[, ...])

Run head coregistration.

invert_ebb(mesh_fname, data_fname, n_layers)

Run the Empirical Bayesian Beamformer (EBB) source reconstruction algorithm.

invert_msp(mesh_fname, data_fname, n_layers)

Run the Multiple Sparse Priors (MSP) source reconstruction algorithm.

invert_sliding_window(prior, mesh_fname, ...)

Run the Multiple Sparse Priors (MSP) source reconstruction algorithm in a sliding time window.

load_source_time_series(data_fname[, ...])

Load source time series data from specified vertices using precomputed inverse solutions or a lead field matrix.

lameg.invert.coregister(nas, lpa, rpa, mri_fname, mesh_fname, data_fname, fid_labels=('nas', 'lpa', 'rpa'), viz=True, spm_instance=None) None#

Run head coregistration.

This function performs head coregistration on MEG data using an MRI and mesh, and computes a forward model using the Nolte single shell model.

  • nas (list) – NASion fiducial coordinates.

  • lpa (list) – Left PreAuricular fiducial coordinates.

  • rpa (list) – Right PreAuricular fiducial coordinates.

  • mri_fname (str) – Filename of the MRI data.

  • mesh_fname (str) – Filename of the mesh data.

  • data_fname (str) – Filename of the MEG data.

  • fid_labels (list, optional) – Fiducial coordinate labels. Default is [‘nas’, ‘lpa’, ‘rpa’].

  • viz (bool, optional) – Whether or not to show SPM visualization. Default is True.

  • spm_instance (spm_standalone, optional) – Instance of standalone SPM. Default is None.


If spm_instance is not provided, the function will start a new standalone SPM instance. The function will automatically close the standalone SPM instance if it was started within the function.

lameg.invert.invert_ebb(mesh_fname, data_fname, n_layers, patch_size=5, n_temp_modes=4, foi=None, woi=None, hann_windowing=False, n_folds=1, ideal_pc_test=0, viz=True, return_mu_matrix=False, spm_instance=None)#

Run the Empirical Bayesian Beamformer (EBB) source reconstruction algorithm.

This function performs EBB source reconstruction on MEG data. It involves mesh smoothing and running the EBB algorithm. The MEG data must already be coregistered with the given mesh.

  • mesh_fname (str) – Filename of the mesh data.

  • data_fname (str) – Filename of the MEG data.

  • n_layers (int) – Number of layers in the mesh.

  • patch_size (int, optional) – Patch size for mesh smoothing. Default is 5.

  • n_temp_modes (int, optional) – Number of temporal modes for the beamformer. Default is 4.

  • foi (list, optional) – Frequency of interest range as [low, high]. Default is [0, 256].

  • woi (list, optional) – Window of interest as [start, end]. Default is [-np.inf, np.inf].

  • hann_windowing (int, optional) – Whether or not to perform Hann windowing. Default is False.

  • n_folds (int) – Number of cross-validation folds. Must be >1 for cross-validation error.

  • ideal_pc_test (float) – Percentage of channels to leave out (ideal because it needs an integer number of channels).

  • viz (bool, optional) – Whether or not to show SPM visualization. Default is True.

  • return_mu_matrix (bool, optional) – Whether or not to return the matrix needed to reconstruct source activity. Default is False.

  • spm_instance (spm_standalone, optional) – Instance of standalone SPM. Default is None.


A list containing the free energy, cross-validation error (cv_err), and the matrix needed to reconstruct source activity (mu_matrix; if return_mu_matrix is True).

Return type:



  • If spm_instance is not provided, the function will start a new standalone SPM instance.

  • The function will automatically close the standalone SPM instance if it was started within the function.

lameg.invert.invert_msp(mesh_fname, data_fname, n_layers, priors=None, patch_size=5, n_temp_modes=4, foi=None, woi=None, hann_windowing=False, n_folds=1, ideal_pc_test=0, viz=True, return_mu_matrix=False, spm_instance=None)#

Run the Multiple Sparse Priors (MSP) source reconstruction algorithm.

This function performs MSP source reconstruction on MEG data. It involves mesh smoothing and running the MSP algorithm. The MEG data must already be coregistered with the given mesh.

  • mesh_fname (str) – Filename of the mesh data.

  • data_fname (str) – Filename of the MEG data.

  • n_layers (int) – Number of layers in the mesh.

  • priors (list, optional) – Indices of vertices to be used as priors. Default is an empty list.

  • patch_size (int, optional) – Patch size for mesh smoothing. Default is 5.

  • n_temp_modes (int, optional) – Number of temporal modes for the beamformer. Default is 4.

  • foi (list, optional) – Frequency of interest range as [low, high]. Default is [0, 256].

  • woi (list, optional) – Window of interest as [start, end]. Default is [-np.inf, np.inf].

  • hann_windowing (int, optional) – Whether or not to perform Hann windowing. Default is False.

  • n_folds (int) – Number of cross-validation folds. Must be >1 for cross-validation error.

  • ideal_pc_test (float) – Percentage of channels to leave out (ideal because it needs an integer number of channels).

  • viz (bool, optional) – Whether or not to show SPM visualization. Default is True.

  • return_mu_matrix (bool, optional) – Whether or not to return the matrix needed to reconstruct source activity. Default is False.

  • spm_instance (spm_standalone, optional) – Instance of standalone SPM. Default is None.


A list containing the free energy, cross-validation error (cv_err), and the matrix needed to reconstruct source activity (mu_matrix; if return_mu_matrix is True).

Return type:



  • If spm_instance is not provided, the function will start a new standalone SPM instance.

  • The function will automatically close the standalone SPM instance if it was started within the function.

  • Priors are adjusted by adding 1 to each index to align with MATLAB’s 1-based indexing.

lameg.invert.invert_sliding_window(prior, mesh_fname, data_fname, n_layers, patch_size=5, n_temp_modes=1, win_size=16, win_overlap=True, foi=None, hann_windowing=True, viz=True, spm_instance=None)#

Run the Multiple Sparse Priors (MSP) source reconstruction algorithm in a sliding time window.

This function performs MSP source reconstruction on MEG data within sliding time windows. It involves mesh smoothing and running the MSP algorithm. The MEG data must already be coregistered with the given mesh.

  • prior (float) – Index of the vertex to be used as a prior.

  • mesh_fname (str) – Filename of the mesh data.

  • data_fname (str) – Filename of the MEG data.

  • n_layers (int) – Number of layers in the mesh.

  • patch_size (int, optional) – Patch size for mesh smoothing. Default is 5.

  • n_temp_modes (int, optional) – Number of temporal modes for the beamformer. Default is 1.

  • win_size (float, optional) – Size of the sliding window in ms. Default is 16. If you increase win_size, you may need to increase n_temp_modes.

  • win_overlap (bool, optional) – Whether the windows should overlap. Default is True.

  • foi (list, optional) – Frequency of interest range as [low, high]. Default is [0, 256].

  • hann_windowing (bool, optional) – Whether or not to use Hann windowing. Default is True.

  • viz (bool, optional) – Whether or not to show SPM visualization. Default is True.

  • spm_instance (spm_standalone, optional) – Instance of standalone SPM. Default is None.


A list containing the free energy time series (free_energy), and the windows of interest (wois).

Return type:



  • If spm_instance is not provided, the function will start a new standalone SPM instance.

  • The function will automatically close the standalone SPM instance if it was started within the function.

  • The prior index is adjusted by adding 1 to align with MATLAB’s 1-based indexing.

lameg.invert.load_source_time_series(data_fname, mu_matrix=None, inv_fname=None, vertices=None)#

Load source time series data from specified vertices using precomputed inverse solutions or a lead field matrix.

This function extracts time series data from specific vertices, based on precomputed inverse solutions, or computes the source time series using a provided lead field matrix.

  • data_fname (str) – Filename or path of the MEG data file.

  • mu_matrix (ndarray, optional) – Lead field matrix (source x sensor). Default is None.

  • inv_fname (str, optional) – Filename or path of the file containing the inverse solutions. Default is None.

  • vertices (list of int, optional) – List of vertex indices from which to extract time series data. Default is None, which implies all vertices will be used.


  • source_ts (np.array) – An array containing the extracted source time series data (sources x time x trial).

  • time (np.array) – An array containing the timestamps.

  • mu_matrix (np.array) – The matrix needed to reconstruct source activity from sensor signals.


  • If inv_fname is not provided, and mu_matrix is None, the inverse solution from the MEG data file specified by data_fname will be used.

  • If mu_matrix is provided, the function will compute the source time series directly using the lead field matrix, without the need for precomputed inverse solutions.