
This module provides tools for performing laminar analysis of MEG signals. It integrates functionalities for performing source reconstruction using different methods (Empirical Bayesian Beamformer and Multiple Sparse Priors), and assessing model fit via free energy and cross validation error. It also includes capabilities for analyzing laminar current source density and comparing regional brain activity across different conditions or layers.

Key functionalities include: - Source reconstruction with options to choose between different methods and evaluate model fits. - Calculation of current source density from laminar neural signals. - Comparison of power changes across different regions and layers to identify areas of interest.


compute_csd(signal, thickness, sfreq[, ...])

Compute the laminar Current Source Density (CSD) from a given signal.

model_comparison(nas, lpa, rpa, mri_fname, ...)

Compare model fits using different meshes by computing the free energy.

roi_power_comparison(data_fname, woi, ...[, ...])

Computes and compares power changes in pial and white matter layers to define regions of interest (ROI) based on significant power shifts.

sliding_window_model_comparison(prior, nas, ...)

Compare model fits across different meshes using a sliding window approach.

lameg.laminar.compute_csd(signal, thickness, sfreq, smoothing=None)#

Compute the laminar Current Source Density (CSD) from a given signal.

This function calculates CSD using the Standard CSD method. It takes a multi-layered neural signal, and computes the CSD. An optional smoothing step can be applied to the CSD output.

  • signal (numpy.ndarray) – The neural signal matrix, where rows correspond to different layers and columns to time points.

  • thickness (float) – The laminar thickness of the cortex from which the signal was recorded, in millimeters.

  • sfreq (float) – Sampling frequency of the signal in Hertz.

  • smoothing (str, optional) – Specifies the kind of smoothing to apply to the CSD. Acceptable values are those compatible with scipy.interpolate.interp1d, such as ‘linear’, ‘nearest’, ‘zero’, ‘slinear’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’, etc. If None, no smoothing is applied. Default is None.


ret_vals – A list containing the CSD matrix as the first element. If smoothing is applied, the second element is the smoothed CSD matrix. The CSD matrix dimensions are layers x time points.

Return type:



  • The function requires the ‘neo’, ‘quantities’ (pq), ‘numpy’ (np), ‘elephant’, and ‘scipy.interpolate.interp1d’ libraries.

  • The CSD is calculated using the Standard CSD method provided by the ‘elephant’ package.

  • Smoothing is applied across layers and is independent for each time point.

  • The returned CSD matrix has the same number of time points as the input signal but can have a different number of layers if smoothing is applied.

lameg.laminar.model_comparison(nas, lpa, rpa, mri_fname, mesh_fnames, data_fname, method='EBB', viz=True, spm_instance=None, coregister_kwargs=None, invert_kwargs=None)#

Compare model fits using different meshes by computing the free energy.

This function runs source reconstruction algorithms (either Empirical Bayesian Beamformer or Multiple Sparse Priors) on a set of meshes and compares their model fits using the free energy and cross-validation error metrics.

  • nas (list) – NASion fiducial coordinates.

  • lpa (list) – Left PreAuricular fiducial coordinates.

  • rpa (list) – Right PreAuricular fiducial coordinates.

  • mri_fname (str) – Filename of the MRI data.

  • mesh_fnames (list) – List of filenames for different meshes.

  • data_fname (str) – Filename of the MEG data.

  • method (str, optional) – Source reconstruction method, either ‘EBB’ or ‘MSP’. Default is ‘EBB’.

  • viz (bool, optional) – Whether to display SPM visualizations. Default is True.

  • spm_instance (spm_standalone, optional) – Instance of standalone SPM software. Default is None.

  • coregister_kwargs (dict, optional) – Keyword arguments specifically for the coregister function.

  • invert_kwargs (dict, optional) – Keyword arguments specifically for the invert function.


  • f_vals (np.array) – Free energy values for each mesh.

  • cv_errs (np.array) – The cross-validation error for each mesh.


  • If spm_instance is not provided, the function will start a new standalone SPM instance.

  • The function will automatically close the standalone SPM instance if it was started within the function.

  • Free energy is used as a measure of model fit, with higher values indicating better fit.

lameg.laminar.roi_power_comparison(data_fname, woi, baseline_woi, mesh, n_layers, perc_thresh, mu_matrix=None, chunk_size=None)#

Computes and compares power changes in pial and white matter layers to define regions of interest (ROI) based on significant power shifts.

This function calculates power changes in the pial and white matter layers during a specified window of interest (WOI) and a baseline window. It identifies ROIs by comparing these changes against a percentile threshold and performs a relative comparison of power changes between the layers to assess laminar differences.

  • data_fname (str) – Filename of the data file containing source time series.

  • woi (tuple) – Window of interest, specified as a start and end time (in milliseconds).

  • baseline_woi (tuple) – Baseline window of interest for comparison, specified as start and end time (in milliseconds).

  • mesh (nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage) – Gifti surface mesh.

  • n_layers (int) – Number of layers in the cortical model.

  • perc_thresh (float) – Percentile threshold for determining significant changes in power.

  • mu_matrix (ndarray, optional) – Lead field matrix (source x sensor). Default is None.

  • chunk_size (int, optional) – Number of vertices to load source time series from at once. If None, will load all at the same time. Default is None.


  • laminar_t_statistic (float) – The t-statistic for laminar power comparison.

  • laminar_p_value (float) – The p-value associated with the laminar power comparison.

  • deg_of_freedom (int) – Degrees of freedom for the statistical test.

  • roi_idx (list of int) – Indices of vertices considered as ROIs.

lameg.laminar.sliding_window_model_comparison(prior, nas, lpa, rpa, mri_fname, mesh_fnames, data_fname, viz=True, spm_instance=None, coregister_kwargs=None, invert_kwargs=None)#

Compare model fits across different meshes using a sliding window approach.

This function runs source reconstruction using the Multiple Sparse Priors (MSP) method in sliding time windows on a set of meshes. It compares the model fits for each mesh by computing the free energy in each window.

  • prior (float) – Index of the vertex to be used as a prior.

  • nas (list) – NASion fiducial coordinates.

  • lpa (list) – Left PreAuricular fiducial coordinates.

  • rpa (list) – Right PreAuricular fiducial coordinates.

  • mri_fname (str) – Filename of the MRI data.

  • mesh_fnames (list) – List of filenames for different meshes.

  • data_fname (str) – Filename of the MEG data.

  • viz (bool, optional) – Whether or not to show SPM visualization. Default is True.

  • spm_instance (spm_standalone, optional) – Instance of standalone SPM. Default is None.

  • coregister_kwargs (dict, optional) – Keyword arguments specifically for the coregister function.

  • invert_kwargs (dict, optional) – Keyword arguments specifically for the invert_sliding_window function.


  • f_vals (list) – Free energy values for each mesh.

  • wois (list) – Windows of interest.


  • If spm_instance is not provided, the function will start a new standalone SPM instance.

  • The function will automatically close the standalone SPM instance if it was started within the function.

  • Free energy is used as a measure of model fit, with higher values indicating better fit.

  • The prior index is adjusted by adding 1 to align with MATLAB’s 1-based indexing.