This module provides a set of tools for handling and manipulating surface mesh data. The functionalities include computing mesh normals, interpolating mesh data, handling non-manifold edges, creating and manipulating GIFTI surface files, and downsampling meshes using the VTK library.

Key functionalities include: - Normalization of vectors to unit length. - Calculation of normals for mesh surfaces using both Delaunay triangulation and custom methods. - Creation of GIFTI images from mesh data. - Removal of specified vertices from a mesh and updating the mesh topology accordingly. - Identification and handling of non-manifold edges to ensure mesh manifoldness. - Interpolation of data from a downsampled mesh back to its original high-resolution mesh. - Downsampling of meshes using VTK’s decimation algorithms. - Combination and adjustment of multiple surface meshes into a single mesh.



Combine multiple surface meshes into a single surface mesh.

compute_dipole_orientations(method, ...[, fixed])

Compute dipole orientations for cortical layers using different methods.

create_layer_mesh(layer, hemispheres, ...)

Create or retrieve a specified cortical layer mesh file name or path based on the provided layer proportional thickness or identifier.

create_surf_gifti(vertices, faces[, normals])

Create a Gifti image object from surface mesh data.

downsample_multiple_surfaces(in_surfs, ds_factor)

Downsample multiple surface meshes using the VTK decimation algorithm.

downsample_single_surface(gifti_surf[, ...])

Downsample a Gifti surface using the VTK library.


Identify non-manifold edges in a given mesh represented by its faces.

fix_non_manifold_edges(vertices, faces)

Remove faces associated with non-manifold edges from a mesh defined by vertices and faces.

interpolate_data(original_mesh, ...[, ...])

Interpolate vertex data from a downsampled mesh back to the original mesh using nearest neighbor matching and optional smoothing based on an adjacency matrix.


Iteratively downsample a single surface mesh to a target number of vertices.


Compute the adjacency matrix of a triangle mesh.

mesh_normals(vertices, faces[, unit])

Normalize a numpy array of vectors.

postprocess_freesurfer_surfaces(subj_id, ...)

Process and combine FreeSurfer surface meshes for a subject.


Remove vertices that are not connected to any faces from a Gifti surface object.

remove_vertices(gifti_surf, vertices_to_remove)

Remove specified vertices from a Gifti surface and update the faces accordingly.

split_fv(faces, vertices)

Split faces and vertices into connected pieces based on the connectivity of the faces.

Combine multiple surface meshes into a single surface mesh.

This function takes a list of Gifti surface meshes and combines them into a single surface mesh. It concatenates the vertices, faces, and normals (if present) from each surface. The faces are re-indexed appropriately to maintain the correct references to the combined vertex array.


surfaces (list of nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage) – List of Gifti surface meshes to be combined.


combined_surf – A single combined Gifti surface mesh.

Return type:



  • The vertices, faces, and normals (if present) from each surface are concatenated.

  • The faces are re-indexed to reference the correct vertices in the combined vertex array.

  • If normals are present in any of the input surfaces, they are also combined.


ValueError – If the vertex or face arrays do not have the expected dimensions.


>>> import nibabel as nib
>>> surfaces = [nib.load('path/to/surface1.gii'), nib.load('path/to/surface2.gii')]
>>> combined_surf = combine_surfaces(surfaces)
>>>, 'path/to/combined_surface.gii'), layer_names, surf_dir, fixed=True)#

Compute dipole orientations for cortical layers using different methods.

  • method (str) – Method for computing dipole orientations (‘link_vector’, ‘ds_surf_norm’, ‘orig_surf_norm’, or ‘cps’). link_vector: Vectors connecting pial vertices to corresponding white matter vertices. ds_surf_norm: Surface normal vectors computed from the downsampled surface. orig_surf_norm: Surface normal vectors computed from the original (non-downsampled) surface. cps: Cortical patch statistics - mean surface normal vectors from connected vertices in the original (non-downsampled) surface.

  • layer_names (list) – Names of the cortical layers.

  • surf_dir (str) – Directory where the surface files are stored.

  • fixed (bool, optional) – Flag to ensure that orientation of corresponding vertices across layers is the same (True by default). If True, for ‘ds_surf_norm’, ‘orig_surf_norm’, and ‘cps’, orientations computed from the pial surface are used for all layers.


orientations – An array of dipole orientations for each vertex in each layer.

Return type:



ValueError – If the number of vertices in pial and white matter surfaces do not match., hemispheres, fs_subject_dir) None#

Create or retrieve a specified cortical layer mesh file name or path based on the provided layer proportional thickness or identifier.

  • layer (float or int) – Specifies the cortical layer. The value 1 corresponds to the ‘pial’ surface, values between 0 and 1 (exclusive) correspond to intermediate layers (specified as a decimal), and the value 0 corresponds to the ‘white matter’ surface.

  • hemispheres (list of str) – A list of hemisphere identifiers (e.g., [‘lh’, ‘rh’]) for which meshes should be created or retrieved.

  • fs_subject_dir (str) – Path to the subject directory within the FreeSurfer environment. This directory should include a ‘surf’ directory where mesh files are stored.


layer_name – Returns a string representing the mesh layer (‘pial’, ‘white’, or a specific intermediate layer as a formatted string). Returns None if the input layer does not match any recognized pattern (e.g., a negative number or a number greater than 1).

Return type:

str or None


For intermediate layers (0 < layer < 1), the function will check for the existence of the mesh file corresponding to each hemisphere. If it does not exist, it uses ‘mris_expand’ to generate it using the white matter surface file. If the layer exactly matches 0 or 1, it returns the corresponding standard FreeSurfer mesh identifier (‘white’ or ‘pial’)., faces, normals=None)#

Create a Gifti image object from surface mesh data.

This function creates a GiftiImage object from the provided vertices, faces, and optional normals. The vertices and faces are required, while normals are optional. If normals are provided, they are added to the Gifti image. The function returns the GiftiImage object.

  • vertices (numpy.ndarray) – Array of vertices. Each row represents a vertex with its x, y, z coordinates.

  • faces (numpy.ndarray) – Array of faces. Each row represents a face with three integers corresponding to vertex indices.

  • normals (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Array of vertex normals. Each row represents a normal vector corresponding to a vertex.


new_gifti – The GiftiImage object created from the provided mesh data.

Return type:



  • Vertex, face, and normal arrays should be NumPy arrays.

  • Vertices and normals should be in float32 format, and faces should be in int32 format.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import nibabel as nib
>>> vertices = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]])
>>> faces = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]])
>>> normals = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]])
>>> gifti_img = create_surf_gifti(vertices, faces, normals), ds_factor)#

Downsample multiple surface meshes using the VTK decimation algorithm.

This function takes a list of input surface meshes (in Gifti format) and applies a downsampling process to each surface. The downsampling is performed using VTK’s vtkDecimatePro algorithm. The first surface in the list is downsampled, and its vertex mapping is then applied to all other surfaces in the list. The function returns a list of downsampled surface meshes.

  • in_surfs (list of nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage) – Input Gifti surface meshes to be downsampled.

  • ratio (float) – The reduction ratio for the downsampling process. For example, a ratio of 0.1 implies that the mesh will be reduced to 90% of its original size.


out_surfs – List of downsampled Gifti surface meshes.

Return type:

list of nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage


  • The function prints the percentage of vertices retained in the first surface after downsampling.

  • If normals are present in the input surfaces, they are also downsampled and mapped to the new surfaces.

  • The resulting surfaces maintain the original topology and are suitable for visualization and further processing.


>>> import nibabel as nib
>>> in_surfs = [nib.load('path/to/input_surf1.gii'), nib.load('path/to/input_surf2.gii')]
>>> ratio = 0.1
>>> out_surfs = downsample_multiple_surfaces(in_surfs, ratio)
>>> for i, ds_surf in enumerate(out_surfs):
..., f'path/to/output_surf{i+1}.gii'), ds_factor=0.1)#

Downsample a Gifti surface using the VTK library.

This function takes a Gifti surface defined by its vertices and faces, and downsamples it using VTK’s vtkDecimatePro algorithm. The reduction ratio determines the degree of downsampling. The function returns the downsampled Gifti surface.

  • gifti_surf (nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage) – The Gifti surface object to be downsampled.

  • reduction_ratio (float) – The proportion of the mesh to remove. For example, a reduction ratio of 0.1 retains 90% of the original mesh.


new_gifti_surf – A new GiftiImage object with the downsampled surface.

Return type:



  • The input faces array should be triangulated, i.e., each face should consist of exactly three vertex indices.

  • The VTK library is used for mesh decimation, which must be installed and properly configured.

  • The returned GiftiImage object is a new object; the original gifti_surf object is not modified in place.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> gifti_surf = nib.load('path_to_gifti_file.gii')
>>> new_gifti_surf = downsample_single_surface(gifti_surf, 0.1)

Identify non-manifold edges in a given mesh represented by its faces.

A non-manifold edge is defined as an edge that is shared by more than two faces. This function processes an array of faces, each face represented by a tuple of vertex indices, and identifies edges that meet the non-manifold criteria.


faces (np.ndarray) – An array where each row represents a face as a tuple of three vertex indices.


non_manifold_edges – A dictionary where keys are tuples representing non-manifold edges (vertex indices are sorted), and values are lists of face indices that share the edge.

Return type:



The function uses a defaultdict to collect face indices for each edge encountered in the mesh. It then filters out edges that are associated with more than two faces, identifying them as non-manifold., faces)#

Remove faces associated with non-manifold edges from a mesh defined by vertices and faces.

Non-manifold edges are edges that are shared by more than two faces, which can cause issues in various mesh processing tasks such as mesh simplification, smoothing, or 3D printing. This function identifies such edges and removes all faces associated with them to ensure manifoldness of the mesh.

  • vertices (np.ndarray) – An array of vertices, where each row represents a vertex as [x, y, z] coordinates.

  • faces (np.ndarray) – An array of faces, where each row represents a face as indices into the vertices array.


  • vertices (np.ndarray) – The unchanged array of vertices.

  • new_faces (np.ndarray) – The modified array of faces, with faces associated with non-manifold edges removed.


>>> vertices = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]])
>>> faces = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]])
>>> new_vertices, new_faces = fix_non_manifold_edges(vertices, faces)
>>> new_faces
array([[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]])  # Assuming face [1, 2, 3] was associated with a non-manifold
edge., downsampled_mesh, downsampled_data, adjacency_matrix=None, max_iterations=10)#

Interpolate vertex data from a downsampled mesh back to the original mesh using nearest neighbor matching and optional smoothing based on an adjacency matrix. Both meshes are expected to be nibabel Gifti objects.

  • original_mesh (nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage) – The original high-resolution mesh as a nibabel Gifti object from which ‘downsampled_mesh’ is derived.

  • downsampled_mesh (nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage) – The downsampled version of the original mesh as a nibabel Gifti object.

  • downsampled_data (array) – Data associated with the vertices of ‘downsampled_mesh’.

  • adjacency_matrix (sparse matrix, optional) – A vertex-by-vertex adjacency matrix of the original mesh. If None, it will be computed from the ‘original_mesh’.

  • max_iterations (int, optional) – The maximum number of iterations to perform for smoothing the interpolated data.


vertex_data – An array of interpolated data for each vertex in the ‘original_mesh’. The data is initially interpolated using nearest neighbors and can be further refined through iterative smoothing.

Return type:



The function first finds the nearest vertex in the ‘downsampled_mesh’ for each vertex in the ‘original_mesh’ using a KD-tree. It directly assigns corresponding data values where a close match is found. The function iteratively adjusts data values at vertices without direct matches by averaging over neighbors., ds_factor=0.1)#

Iteratively downsample a single surface mesh to a target number of vertices.

This function reduces the number of vertices in a surface mesh (in GIFTI format) to a specified fraction of its original size. Downsampling is performed iteratively until the target number of vertices is reached or closely approximated.

  • gifti_surf (nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage) – The surface mesh to be downsampled, provided as a GIFTI image object.

  • ds_factor (float, optional) – The downsampling factor representing the target fraction of the original number of vertices. Default is 0.1.


current_surf – The downsampled surface mesh as a GIFTI image object.

Return type:



  • The downsampling process is iterative. In each iteration, the mesh is downsampled by a factor calculated to approach the target number of vertices.

  • If the calculated downsampling factor in an iteration equals or exceeds 1, the process is terminated to prevent upsampling or infinite loops.

Compute the adjacency matrix of a triangle mesh.


faces (np.array, shape (f, 3)) – The mesh faces, where f is the number of faces, and each face is represented by a tuple of three vertex indices.


adjacency – The adjacency matrix of the mesh, where v is the number of vertices. Each entry (i, j) indicates whether vertices i and j are connected by an edge.

Return type:

np.array, shape (v, v), faces, unit=False)#

Normalize a numpy array of vectors.

This function normalizes each row in the array of vectors to have unit length. If the length of a vector is below a certain threshold (machine epsilon), it is set to 1 to avoid division by zero.


vectors (ndarray) – Array of vectors to be normalized. Each row represents a vector.


Normalized array of vectors where each row has unit length.

Return type:

ndarray, out_dir, out_fname, n_surfaces=11, ds_factor=0.1, orientation='link_vector', fix_orientation=True, remove_deep=True, n_jobs=-1)#

Process and combine FreeSurfer surface meshes for a subject.

This function processes FreeSurfer surface meshes for a given subject by creating intermediate surfaces, adjusting for RAS offset, removing deep vertices, combining hemispheres, downsampling, and computing link vectors. The resulting surfaces are combined and saved to a specified output file.

  • subj_id (str) – Subject ID corresponding to the FreeSurfer subject directory.

  • out_dir (str) – Output directory where the processed files will be saved.

  • out_fname (str) – Filename for the final combined surface mesh.

  • n_surfaces (int, optional) – Number of intermediate surfaces to create between white and pial surfaces.

  • ds_factor (float, optional) – Downsampling factor for surface decimation.

  • orientation (str, optional) – Method to compute orientation vectors (‘link_vector’ for pial-white link, ‘ds_surf_norm’ for downsampled surface normals, ‘orig_surf_norm’ for original surface normals, and ‘cps’ for cortical patch statistics).

  • fix_orientation (bool, optional) – Flag to ensure that orientation of corresponding vertices across layers is the same (True by default).

  • remove_deep (bool, optional) – Flag to remove vertices located in deep regions (labeled as ‘unknown’).

  • n_jobs (int, optional) – Number of parallel processes to run. -1 for all available cores (default is -1).


  • This function assumes the FreeSurfer ‘SUBJECTS_DIR’ environment variable is set.

  • Surfaces are processed in Gifti format and combined into a single surface mesh.


>>> postprocess_freesurfer_surfaces('subject1', '/path/to/output', 'combined_surface.gii')

Remove vertices that are not connected to any faces from a Gifti surface object.


gifti_surf (nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage) – The Gifti surface object to be processed.


cleaned_gifti_surf – A new GiftiImage object with unconnected vertices removed.

Return type:

nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage, vertices_to_remove)#

Remove specified vertices from a Gifti surface and update the faces accordingly.

This function modifies a Gifti surface by removing the specified vertices. It also updates the faces of the surface so that they only reference the remaining vertices. If normals are present in the surface, they are also updated to correspond to the new set of vertices.

  • gifti_surf (nibabel.gifti.GiftiImage) – The Gifti surface object from which vertices will be removed.

  • vertices_to_remove (array_like) – An array of vertex indices to be removed from the surface.


new_gifti – A new GiftiImage object with the specified vertices removed and faces updated.

Return type:



  • The function assumes that the GiftiImage object contains at least two data arrays: one for vertices and one for faces. If normals are present, they are also updated.

  • Vertex indices in vertices_to_remove should be zero-based (following Python’s indexing convention).

  • The returned GiftiImage object is a new object; the original gifti_surf object is not modified in place.


>>> import nibabel as nib
>>> gifti_surf = nib.load('path_to_gifti_file.gii')
>>> vertices_to_remove = np.array([0, 2, 5])  # Indices of vertices to remove
>>> new_gifti_surf = remove_vertices(gifti_surf, vertices_to_remove), vertices)#

Split faces and vertices into connected pieces based on the connectivity of the faces.

  • faces (np.ndarray) – A 2D numpy array of faces, where each row represents a face and each element is an index to a vertex in vertices.

  • vertices (np.ndarray) – A 2D numpy array of vertices, where each row represents a vertex.


fv_out – A list where each element is a dictionary with keys ‘faces’ and ‘vertices’. Each dictionary represents a separately connected patch of the mesh.

Return type:

list of dict


>>> faces = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4], [5, 6, 1], [7, 8, 9], [11, 10, 4]])
>>> vertices = np.array([[2, 4], [2, 8], [8, 4], [8, 0], [0, 4], [2, 6], [2, 2], [4, 2],
>>>                      [4, 0], [5, 2], [5, 0]])
>>> split_patches = split_fv(faces, vertices)


Faces and vertices should be defined such that faces sharing a vertex reference the same vertex number. This function does not explicitly test for duplicate vertices at the same location.